Strength in Times of Crisis

Luke 22:31-34

Adrian Rogers

Sermon Overview

Scripture Passage: Luke 22:31-34

Now more than ever, we need a contagious epidemic of holy boldness and courageous Christians, so that we may have strength in times of crisis.

Adrian Rogers says, “The most joyful people are those who stand for Jesus.”

During the Last Supper with His disciples, Jesus Christ warned them of His coming crucifixion and death. He told Simon Peter that he would deny Him three times. Peter thought this was impossible, for he loved Jesus so much. Yet, in Luke 22:31, Jesus explained, “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat.”

We have a real, cunning, and very destructive enemy named Satan, who wants to surface our faults and failures to accuse and condemn us. However, he is only able to sift us, because the Holy Spirit also wants to reveal these impurities, not to condemn us, but to cleanse us.

Peter was so sure of his own ability, yet he was sabotaged by his own self-confidence. This self-confidence led to his prayerlessness in the Garden of Gethsemane, when he slept while he should have been up praying.

And before his fleshly courage ultimately failed him, he went after the wrong enemy, using the wrong weapon with the wrong energy and attitude.

Like Peter, our actions will surprise us when we face these kinds of threats. Peter did not expect to deny Jesus. In that moment, Peter learned that failure is not final. Peter remembered that he had an Advocate who secured Him.

Jesus had told him, “But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:32).

Jesus said that He Himself prayed for Peter, and He prays for us. When Satan sifts us and reveals our impurities before the throne of God, Jesus is our Advocate who intercedes for us.

Jesus knew the worst about Peter and the best about him, too. He saw past the weakness and failures, and looked into his heart, at his faith. Through this experience, Peter learned what he was made of; he renounced his self-confidence, and instead, put his confidence in Jesus Christ.

Apply it to your life

In times of crisis, we must remember that our adversary will sift us and our abilities will fail us. Our actions may surprise us, but nothing surprises Jesus Christ, our Advocate, who secures us.